Answer :

convert this to slope-intercept form

subtract 1/4x, 


then multiply my 4/3



4/3 is the y-intercept, so when you're graphing begin with it. Then find another point on the graph according to the slope. Plot point (0,4/3) then plot a point with a y-value 1 less and an x-value 3 more. (slope is sometimes called rise over run because it is a ratio of the change in the y-value divided by the change in the x-value) Plot point (3,1/3). Connect the dots with a ruler and draw a line.
[tex]standard \ linear \ equation\ :\\\\y=ax+b\\\\ \frac{1}{4}x + \frac{3}{4} y = 1 \ \ | \ multiply \ each \ term \ by \  4\\ \\ x+3y=4 \ \ |\ subtract x\ to\ both\ sides\\\\3y=-x+4\ \ | \ divide \ each \ term \ by \ 3\\\\y=-\frac{1}{3}x+ \frac{4}{3}[/tex] 

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