Answer :

Original price of the swimsuit = x 

If something was discounted 65%, that means you are paying 35% for it. 
(100% - 65% = 35% or 0.35) 

x(0.35) = 20.30

divide both sides by 0.35

x = 58 

The swimsuit was originally 58 dollars. 

Answer: The original price of swimsuit is $58.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have given that

Sale price of swimsuit = $20.30

Rate of discount =65%

Let the original price of swimsuit be 'x'.

According to question,

[tex]\frac{100-65}{100}\times x=20.30\\\\\frac{35}{100}\times x=20.30\\\\x=\frac{100\times 20.30}{35}\\\\x=\$58[/tex]

Hence, the original price of swimsuit is $58.

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